Save on your electric bill. Reduce your carbon footprint.
Community Solar
Fuse Energy has subscribed customers to over 50 megawatts of Community Solar shares, saving businesses over $1,000,000 in combined annual costs.
By enrolling in a Community Shared Solar program, you too can receive monetary credits applied directly to your electric bill.
Many businesses and organizations can’t afford solar array systems or simply don’t want them on their property. States like Massachusetts, Maine, New York, Rhode Island and Illinois have developed Community Solar programs to allow business owners, not-for-profits and municipalities to take advantage of the benefits of solar power without owning a system. By subscribing to shares of Community Solar farms, you can receive monetary credits that are reallocated to your electric bill. There are no panel installations on your property, no maintenance and no insurance required. There is no buy-in or upfront cost in order to save up to 10% on your monthly electric bill. Fuse Energy can enroll you in your state program for the most savings currently available. At the end of the day, you can feel good about helping to develop clean energy in your community and reducing your carbon footprint. Go ahead - promote yourself as a “green” business without owning or installing one, single panel. Your customers will applaud you.
How it works: a solar developer builds a beautiful solar farm within your electric utility’s territory that pumps power directly to the grid and reduces thousands of pounds of CO2 emissions from your community every year. The utility, through the state program, compensates the developer by providing them with monetary credits. You, as the consumer and utility account holder, subscribe to a “share” of that farm at no cost. The developer thanks you by sharing a portion of their credits (eg. 10-15%) with you. At the end of the day, you can save up to 10% on your total monthly electric bill. Pretty good deal for a free sign-up.
Ping us to see if you’re eligible to receive credits.
It’s important to note that Community Solar is always a state Department of Energy Resources developed program in partnership with local utilities and developers.
“As owners and operators of multiple restaurants, we need someone to oversee our energy programs, procurement and overall spend. Fuse Energy helps us budget and strategize how and when we buy electricity and natural gas. At our first meeting, they discovered we were being double-billed by our natural gas utility which led to a correction and significant reimbursement! Fuse also offset our electric bills with Community Solar credits which reduces costs and aids in the development of clean energy in our state.”
Pamela & Al Mariano, Owners/Operators
Mariano’s Ristorante, Bailey’s Bar & Grille, The Alamo Texas BBQ & Tequila Bar
Contact us.
We’d love to hear about your business or organization. Please complete our contact form to see how we can help you with your commercial energy needs.
If you’d like to chat asap, give us a call: 978.486.FUSE (3873)